Miss Olivia is 8 months old! I feel like time just keeps going faster and faster! I know I say that just about every month, but it is so true. What used to be living for those small stretches of sleep in the newborn phase is now a full-on infant routine. And let me tell you, Olivia is on the move.
She has finally figured out how to crawl instead of inchworm her way around. She can also go from a crawling position to a sit all by herself. It’s actually really cute because if I pick her up and go to put her down she immediately lifts up her legs, sitting in the air, getting ready to be placed down. She loves exploring the world from this new perspective.
Speaking of new perspectives, she also climbs up on furniture and practicing standing. We found her a mini triangle and she LOVES it.
Olivia loves food. She has two mealtimes a day (the rest is still breastmilk) and she is always ready to eat! She is still on purees as baby-led weaning was a little much for her. She doesn’t like cubes of food quite yet, even though I try, she just gags it up. I’m starting to add chunkier purees to give her some texture. I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it soon. We started solids at 6 months so she hasn’t been doing this for too long yet!
She has two teeth! It took her a while to transition to them, every time she would suck her thumb she would bite her little hand and cry. She’s starting to get the hang of it.
Olivia’s personality is starting to shine. She can say, Mama, Papa, Bup (Cup), Hi and Uh Oh. She can shake her head no when she doesn’t want something. We started sign language with her and I can see her starting to figure it out. She can sign for a bottle when she is hungry so far! Other than that, it has been so much fun being this girl’s Mama! Loving every second of it!
Olivia loves playing in the dog’s water dish, exploring the house, laughing, and food.
She dislikes her afternoon nap, when she can’t be held by Mama and being told “no” when she gets into things she’s not supposed to be into.
Miss Olivia is 8 months old! I feel like time just keeps going faster and faster! I know I say that just about every month, but it is so true. What used to be living for those small stretches of sleep in the newborn phase is now a full-on infant routine. And let me tell you, Olivia is on the move.
She has finally figured out how to crawl instead of inchworm her way around. She can also go from a crawling position to a sit all by herself. It’s actually really cute because if I pick her up and go to put her down she immediately lifts up her legs, sitting in the air, getting ready to be placed down. She loves exploring the world from this new perspective.
Speaking of new perspectives, she also climbs up on furniture and practicing standing. We found her a mini triangle and she LOVES it.
Olivia loves food. She has two mealtimes a day (the rest is still breastmilk) and she is always ready to eat! She is still on purees as baby-led weaning was a little much for her. She doesn’t like cubes of food quite yet, even though I try, she just gags it up. I’m starting to add chunkier purees to give her some texture. I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it soon. We started solids at 6 months so she hasn’t been doing this for too long yet!
She has two teeth! It took her a while to transition to them, every time she would suck her thumb she would bite her little hand and cry. She’s starting to get the hang of it.
Olivia’s personality is starting to shine. She can say, Mama, Papa, Bup (Cup), Hi and Uh Oh. She can shake her head no when she doesn’t want something. We started sign language with her and I can see her starting to figure it out. She can sign for a bottle when she is hungry so far! Other than that, it has been so much fun being this girl’s Mama! Loving every second of it!
Olivia loves playing in the dog’s water dish, exploring the house, laughing, and food.
She dislikes her afternoon nap, when she can’t be held by Mama and being told “no” when she gets into things she’s not supposed to be into.