Our sweet girl is 6 months old! I can’t believe she’s already halfway to one year! Time is going faster and faster! This month was filled with A LOT of milestones and it was my favorite month by far. It is so true that every day just keeps getting better and better. Now for the milestones…where to begin?!
First and foremost we made it to our 6-month goal of breastfeeding. Our journey was SO difficult, filled with what seemed like never-ending obstacles. But we made it and are STILL going strong!
Olivia is sleeping through the nights (PRAISE the Lord!). She always was an extremely good sleeper, but it is so nice that she is now going 12-14 hour stretches. We did a sleep course, Taking Cara Babies, around 6 weeks old and it was a game-changer! She is finally old enough now that she doesn’t wake up to eat. Speaking about eating, Olivia tried her first solid food this week. We are following Super Nutrition For Babies and she had an organic pasture-raised egg yolk with breastmilk and Celtic sea salt. She is definitely trying to get the hang of this big girl eating thing. I’m not 100% sure she’s ready yet, she will open her mouth but she still has a tongue thrust, so we will try again every few days.
Olivia is such a content little baby. I can place her on her play mat and she’ll just play with her toys and talk to herself all day long. She has found her feet and loves that “happy baby” pose. She LOVES to be on her belly which she is most of the day (by choice) and when she’s not practicing rocking back and forth in a crawling position, she is kicking her feet to the music playing. Olivia can rock and scoot backwards on all fours, but she hasn’t quite figured out how to move her hands to go forwards yet. also like to pat everything with her hands.
Music is one of her favorite things. She loves listening to music! Olivia started to mimic sounds. So far she can say maa-maa-maa, uhh ohhh, and hi). It is so adorable! She also figured out tongue clicks and clicks all day. She also knows her name. If you say “Olivia” she looks up at you!
Rex and Fly are very entertaining for her. She loves watching them, petting them, and snuggling on them. They are SO good with her. Rex sleeps in her room at naptime and Fly is very protective of her when she cries. They are the first to go over and comfort her. Their very good fur-brothers.
My favorite part about this month is Olivia is entering the “Mama hold me phase.” She just wants to be held and I am soaking it up while it lasts. Although she is a Mama’s girl she lights up with the biggest smile whenever Da-Da walks into the room. We are certainly blessed with this sweet girl and loving every minute.
Olivia loves watching Rex and Fly, figuring out new toys, rocking back and forth getting ready to crawl, colorful books, laughing, anything to chew on.
She dislikes being overtired, bright sunlight, naptime, not being able to crawl, and being hungry.
Our sweet girl is 6 months old! I can’t believe she’s already halfway to one year! Time is going faster and faster! This month was filled with A LOT of milestones and it was my favorite month by far. It is so true that every day just keeps getting better and better. Now for the milestones…where to begin?!
First and foremost we made it to our 6-month goal of breastfeeding. Our journey was SO difficult, filled with what seemed like never-ending obstacles. But we made it and are STILL going strong!
Olivia is sleeping through the nights (PRAISE the Lord!). She always was an extremely good sleeper, but it is so nice that she is now going 12-14 hour stretches. We did a sleep course, Taking Cara Babies, around 6 weeks old and it was a game-changer! She is finally old enough now that she doesn’t wake up to eat. Speaking about eating, Olivia tried her first solid food this week. We are following Super Nutrition For Babies and she had an organic pasture-raised egg yolk with breastmilk and Celtic sea salt. She is definitely trying to get the hang of this big girl eating thing. I’m not 100% sure she’s ready yet, she will open her mouth but she still has a tongue thrust, so we will try again every few days.
Olivia is such a content little baby. I can place her on her play mat and she’ll just play with her toys and talk to herself all day long. She has found her feet and loves that “happy baby” pose. She LOVES to be on her belly which she is most of the day (by choice) and when she’s not practicing rocking back and forth in a crawling position, she is kicking her feet to the music playing. Olivia can rock and scoot backwards on all fours, but she hasn’t quite figured out how to move her hands to go forwards yet. also like to pat everything with her hands.
Music is one of her favorite things. She loves listening to music! Olivia started to mimic sounds. So far she can say maa-maa-maa, uhh ohhh, and hi). It is so adorable! She also figured out tongue clicks and clicks all day. She also knows her name. If you say “Olivia” she looks up at you!
Rex and Fly are very entertaining for her. She loves watching them, petting them, and snuggling on them. They are SO good with her. Rex sleeps in her room at naptime and Fly is very protective of her when she cries. They are the first to go over and comfort her. Their very good fur-brothers.
My favorite part about this month is Olivia is entering the “Mama hold me phase.” She just wants to be held and I am soaking it up while it lasts. Although she is a Mama’s girl she lights up with the biggest smile whenever Da-Da walks into the room. We are certainly blessed with this sweet girl and loving every minute.
Olivia loves watching Rex and Fly, figuring out new toys, rocking back and forth getting ready to crawl, colorful books, laughing, anything to chew on.
She dislikes being overtired, bright sunlight, naptime, not being able to crawl, and being hungry.